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Monday, November 3, 2008

when you find yourself in a difficult season as we do at some point in life and fear decends upon you, God wants us to see him. God is always with us, even in the midst of our fiery trial. He knows what is happening and can walk with us through our circumstances from beginning to end in only ways he can. Our lord wants us to know that, at the oneset of any trial we may experience, he is always available to us.He wants us to see him at the beginning, not just at the end of a difficult season and when we look back and realise that he indeed has been there all along, even though we didnt know for ceretain that he was. God is always with us(deuteronomy 31:6), never leaving us, never forsaking us.

Sometimes we miss seeing him at the beginning because a crisis suddenly befalls us, sweeping away in a current of fear and overwheling thoughts. We are caught up in a storm that takes us by surprise and moves in so ever quickly upon us, that we forget there is a solid rock we can cling to.. Our heavenly Father wants us to find comfort and strength in knowing he is our Rescuer, Deliverer, and Refuge in life's storms.

"Do not fear, for i am with you; do not be afrid for i am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand"
Isaiah 41:10

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