Well we are about to embark on a new journey or new chapter in our life and it scares the death out of me. I have to keep reminding myself that this is God's plan and and all will work out. My husband took a new job and we will have to move to a new town where we will not know anyone. We will be leaving our church that we made a home in because it is the first and only church that ever made me feel that way, it deeply saddens me. So please pray for us over the next few months that this will all work out as it is God's will.
On that note we are trying to get ready for the holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas, as i have to remind myself for this is God's plan for me and after everything he endured for me alone is so worth all of this. His ultimate sacrifice for us was he gave his life for our sins, He was beaten, crucified, buried and then arose again for our sins. So on that note why am i so scared of making this change, God was never scared or worried about what was going to happen to him so therefore why should a worry. I should look at this as he is giving me an opportunity to spread my wings and to help spread his word to people. I am to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ because there are so many people out there that don't know who he is. So God has a plan for me in this.
I hope everyone enjoys this holiday season and may God bless you all