OK something or someone has prompted me to write about my precious baby girl , well she really isn't a baby anymore she is 15, which means she has this year and only two more then she will graduate(oh my that seems soon when i put it like that). she is the most aswesomest daughter anyone could ever want. she is my best friend, she is my morning my noon and my night i often ask myself where would i be without her in my life i know that my life would be incomplete with her being a part of it. she is very opinionated(wander where she gets that from lol) shes very outgoing and when you have her for a friend you will thank yourself because she is your bestie for life and always has your back. i hope that she continues to grow with god being a part of her life as i know that she will. anyways i hope that when she is all grown up that she will always know how much i love her and what a big impact she has made on my life. honestly i sometimes think well i actually i know that she is much smarter than i ever was, and that will take her far in life. baby girl i love you with all my heart and my soul forever and always.
I love this picture of her!